Monday, February 13, 2012

Moorehaven locks to Ft. Myers and Venice FL

Went through the last 2 locks and arrived in Ft Myers with the wind blowing 25 kts Plus.
Patti docked the boat under duress as we were abeam to the wind and I was doing suicide lines.
Worked out without any major problems and we settled down for 2 days of wind.  Took off the bikes and went and saw the movie 'Safe House' with Denzel.  Talk about action.  A nice reprieve.

Finally this morning we took out and about 60 miles later made it to the crow's nest marina in Venice, FL.  We passed numerous beautiful beaches along the way but the most exciting thing we encountered was three dolphins playing in our wake.  We both tried with all our might to get pictures and Jon got the best ones, so here are a few.  The dolphins were right off our starboard stern.

We are getting ready for our passage this Thursday or Friday, weather depending, across the gulf from Anclote Key to Dog Key, about 140 miles.

Still lots of slow areas, manatee areas and not so much traffic.  When we got here three gents stopped by who knew the boat.  One of them has a boat in the same harbor where Manitou was in Annapolis before we took her over.  He recognized the boat, called the broker and they told him it was us and that they should stop by, so they did.  We had a nice conversation with them about their travels on Jack's 37.   It was real interesting talking to folks who really like these boats as well.  And they've taken theirs quite a few places.  Boy, it's a small world!!

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