Quite the canal after the little crocodile river 21 miles of canal at 15 ft of depth. Started right off with a 14 foot bridge (we at 13'4") but we cleared easily by a foot. Pretty overcast all day and got a little lumpy when we pulled in to Bellhaven Waterway Marina around 1500. We went to the local hardware store and grocery and picked up a few items. Raining continously. I did get the sea king HDTV antennae working and we watched Fox news for the first time this month. Around 2030 (8:30PM Bob) a sailboat pulls in is all crossed up in the narrow marina parking. After and hours of cursing, yelling and praying he tied up in front of us. So we went down for the night.
Jan 12 morning, blowing Gale force winds in Palmico sound wo we hang it here at the dock and have frosties.
Remember that sailboat, He is aground at the dock. What is your draft again ? Trying to get him out of here he overreved his enging and it started puking oil in the water. Dockmaster did not like that. I have this fear i will be asked to tow is ass out of here and so I will stanby.
Bellhave pics follow
There for by the grace of God go I...
I think he busted an oil ring and will need a 'rebuild'
o gotta go
Never uneventful!!