Friday, January 6, 2012

First Travel day Annapolis to Solomon Island.

After four long days getting the boat ready we left the dock at Annapolis at 0800 this morning.  There was about a 10 knot wind and 1 foot chop.  No problems as we motored the 48 miles to Solomon Island.  Fueled up and walked the town...It was a lot like a ghost town, everything is closed but fuel dock.  Took a while just to get the dock master to the pier.  I know more about this boat over the last four days than in the first 3 years on dotgone.

Met some good ole boys trying to salveage a sunken fuel tank over on the dark side of the marina.  Nothing like the stars and bars on your front license plate.  Sounds like a song Chuck.


  1. Them Stars and Bars will get you a lot of places. Definitely a song in there:)
    Looks like you have good weather. Checked out Dot-Gone today - still floating and being a good girl.

  2. Howdy Wells crew! Boat looks really good. You should check out the following link. It allows you to plot points on Google maps showing your journey.
